Server Type MS Exchange (Courtesy of Brutus) not appearing
Joe Williamson
2008-12-15 18:21:30 UTC

I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 8.10, with Evolution 2.24.2.
I have installed Brutus server and it is able to find my exchange 2007 server, however, on the client side I have a very annoying problem!
I installed brutus-keyring 0.9.31 and brutus 1.2.32, but the Server Type in the new account setup there is no new option as described in the documentation for Microsoft Exchange (Courtesy of Brutus).
I did find another forum in which another problem as the main issue but this popped up, however the solution was never shared. FYI this is the forum in question;

I hope I am doing something totally stupid!

Thanks in advance,

Jules Colding
2008-12-16 08:35:34 UTC
On 15/12/2008, at 19.21, Joe Williamson wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 8.10, with Evolution 2.24.2.
> I have installed Brutus server and it is able to find my exchange
> 2007 server, however, on the client side I have a very annoying
> problem!
> I installed brutus-keyring 0.9.31 and brutus 1.2.32, but the Server
> Type in the new account setup there is no new option as described in
> the documentation for Microsoft Exchange (Courtesy of Brutus).
> I did find another forum in which another problem as the main issue
> but this popped up, however the solution was never shared. FYI this
> is the forum in question;
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=238186&page=4
> I hope I am doing something totally stupid!

I wouldn't say that ;-)

Your problem is that, for some reason, the e-b libraries are not in
their right position. Did you install from source or from deb?

Joe Williamson
2008-12-16 18:06:07 UTC
Hi Jules,

Thanks for the quick response.

I installed from deb, I did think about using source after a few of hours of installing/uninstalling/rebooting......, but then dependencies popped up as soon as I tried it and by that point I had had enough and so posted to the mail list!

If you think source may be a better option then I'll sort the dep's and see what happens.

Many Thanks,

Jules Colding
2008-12-27 15:48:51 UTC
Hi Joe,

On 16/12/2008, at 19.06, Joe Williamson wrote:
> Thanks for the quick response.

Well, not so quick this time :-(

> I installed from deb,

Those debs must be broken.

> I did think about using source after a few of hours of installing/
> uninstalling/rebooting……, but then dependencies popped up as soon as
> I tried it and by that point I had had enough and so posted to the
> mail list!
> If you think source may be a better option then I’ll sort the dep’s
> and see what happens.

If you are going to install from source, then you most build the
distfiles target. That will give you debs that works.

Joe Williamson
2009-01-06 20:29:52 UTC
Hi Jules,

So.... I am running Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid) which the configure script is not setup for, so I had to tweak that a bit (not sure if what i did screwed it up for me later....). I then got the keyring installed (I think!) with only a couple of dependencies needed, and then went to make the evolution-brutus, which i had to install a shed load of deps (but it is a fresh install of Ubuntu so had no dev packages of anything installed yet).

If I 'make install' (after a 'make' of course) I get the missing keyring.h files and the need to install libdb4.6-dev (though it worked for me with 4.7) as described here in Ian's post, but i didn't get the other problems in this post...

If I 'make distfiles' as you originally suggested I get;
***@LLBarnard:~/Setups/evolution-brutus-1.2.32$ sudo make distfiles
/home/lee/Setups/evolution-brutus-1.2.32/release.sh Ubuntu%20Intrepid no_push
/bin/bash: /home/lee/Setups/evolution-brutus-1.2.32/release.sh: No such file or directory
make: *** [distfiles] Error 127

I grep'd for release.sh and it doesn't seem like it is supposed to be generated during configure or make, it is only referenced in the Makefile for distfiles, release and tarball options.....???

Any ideas? I really want this to work! :)


Jules Colding
2009-01-07 10:27:48 UTC
Hi Joe,

On 06/01/2009, at 21.29, Joe Williamson wrote:
> So.... I am running Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid) which the configure
> script is not setup for, so I had to tweak that a bit (not sure if
> what i did screwed it up for me later....). I then got the keyring
> installed (I think!) with only a couple of dependencies needed, and
> then went to make the evolution-brutus, which i had to install a
> shed load of deps (but it is a fresh install of Ubuntu so had no dev
> packages of anything installed yet).

Yes, the required build packages are rather many I'm afraid.

> If I 'make install'

You shouldn't do that. Go for the distfiles target instead. That
target will build debs for you. The install target will not put the
files in the right places.

> (after a 'make' of course) I get the missing keyring.h files and the
> need to install libdb4.6-dev (though it worked for me with 4.7) as
> described here in Ian's post, but i didn't get the other problems in
> this post...
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/orbit2/+bug/66560
> If I 'make distfiles' as you originally suggested I get;
> ***@LLBarnard:~/Setups/evolution-brutus-1.2.32$ sudo make distfiles
> /home/lee/Setups/evolution-brutus-1.2.32/release.sh Ubuntu
> %20Intrepid no_push
> /bin/bash: /home/lee/Setups/evolution-brutus-1.2.32/release.sh: No
> such file or directory
> make: *** [distfiles] Error 127

The release.sh file is in the repository. Did you get the files from a
tar ball? You should use svn instead:

svn co http://svn.42tools.net/repos/evolution-brutus/trunk/

and for the keyring:

svn co http://svn.42tools.net/repos/brutus-keyring/trunk/ brutus-

> I grep'd for release.sh and it doesn't seem like it is supposed to
> be generated during configure or make, it is only referenced in the
> Makefile for distfiles, release and tarball options.....???
> Any ideas? I really want this to work! :)

Then, in all honesty, you should wait for the official release of
Brutus Server 2.0. You can get it from svn but there are still a few
places where it needs loving care.

Joe Williamson
2009-01-08 01:29:24 UTC
Hi Jules,

OK, so i now have the Server Type appearing in Evolution - thank you very much for your support!

Next problem though....

When I attempt to log in through Evolution the brutus server gives the below log. Does BUG really mean bug?
I'm pretty sure I've got all the permissions correct on the user/server as per the README.
In Evolution it prompts for the users password and then gives the error 'Cannot get folder: Invalid operation on this store'.




Severity : *** LEADING LOG ENTRY ***

UTC time : Thu Jan 08 01:15:27 2009

Mark : From a Log:: class instance

Brutus server : exchange

Windows domain : SQUIRE.CO.UK

Domain controller : \\data.SQUIRE.CO.UK

Brutus version : Brutus Server

MAPI version : Microsoft Exchange 6.5

Process ID : 1612

File : ..\servant_impl\BrutusLogOnS_impl.cpp

Line : 247

Message : Log entry header



UTC time : Thu Jan 08 01:15:27 2009

Mark : From a Log:: class instance

Brutus server : exchange

Windows domain : SQUIRE.CO.UK

Domain controller : \\data.SQUIRE.CO.UK

Brutus version : Brutus Server

MAPI version : Microsoft Exchange 6.5

Process ID : 1612

File : ..\servant_impl\BrutusLogOnS_impl.cpp

Line : 248

Following : #116

Message : Entering BRUTUS_BrutusLogOn_i::GetVersion()



UTC time : Thu Jan 08 01:15:27 2009

Mark : From a Log:: class instance

Brutus server : exchange

Windows domain : SQUIRE.CO.UK

Domain controller : \\data.SQUIRE.CO.UK

Brutus version : Brutus Server

MAPI version : Microsoft Exchange 6.5

Process ID : 1612

File : ..\servant_impl\BrutusLogOnS_impl.cpp

Line : 266

Following : #116

Message : Leaving BRUTUS_BrutusLogOn_i::GetVersion()


Severity : *** LEADING LOG ENTRY ***

UTC time : Thu Jan 08 01:15:30 2009

Mark : From a Log:: class instance

Brutus server : exchange

Windows domain : SQUIRE.CO.UK

Domain controller : \\data.SQUIRE.CO.UK

Brutus version : Brutus Server

MAPI version : Microsoft Exchange 6.5

Process ID : 1612

File : ..\servant_impl\BrutusLogOnS_impl.cpp

Line : 340

Message : Log entry header



UTC time : Thu Jan 08 01:15:30 2009

Mark : From a Log:: class instance

Brutus server : exchange

Windows domain : SQUIRE.CO.UK

Domain controller : \\data.SQUIRE.CO.UK

Brutus version : Brutus Server

MAPI version : Microsoft Exchange 6.5

Process ID : 1612

File : ..\servant_impl\BrutusLogOnS_impl.cpp

Line : 354

Following : #119

Message : Validating LifeLine object reference



UTC time : Thu Jan 08 01:15:30 2009

Mark : From a Log:: class instance

Brutus server : exchange

Windows domain : SQUIRE.CO.UK

Domain controller : \\data.SQUIRE.CO.UK

Brutus version : Brutus Server

MAPI version : Microsoft Exchange 6.5

Process ID : 1612

File : ..\servant_impl\BrutusLogOnS_impl.cpp

Line : 355

Following : #119

Message : IOR:010000002600000049444c3a6f6d632e6272757475732f4252555455532f427275747573436865636b3a312e30000000040000000054424f540000000101020005000000554e4958000000000a0000003132372e302e302e31000000290000002f746d702f6f726269742d6c65652f6c696e632d313735382d302d3331636639626664646631346600000000000000000000000038000000010102010a0000003132372e302e302e310063d71c0000000000000001ea099853b4f84efcdc55c8e1541855020000002b50a24600000000caaedfba5400000001010200290000002f746d702f6f726269742d6c65652f6c696e632d313735382d302d33316366396266646466313466000000001c0000000000000001ea099853b4f84efcdc55c8e1541855020000002b50a24601000000480000000100000002000000050000001c0000000000000001ea099853b4f84efcdc55c8e1541855020000002b50a24601000000140000000100000001000105000000000901010000000000


Severity : BUG

UTC time : Thu Jan 08 01:15:31 2009

Mark : From a Log:: class instance

Brutus server : exchange

Windows domain : SQUIRE.CO.UK

Domain controller : \\data.SQUIRE.CO.UK

Brutus version : Brutus Server

MAPI version : Microsoft Exchange 6.5

Process ID : 1612

File : ..\servant_impl\BrutusLogOnS_impl.cpp

Line : 363

Following : #119

Message : system exception, ID 'IDL:omg.org/CORBA/TRANSIENT:1.0'

OMG minor code (2), described as '*unknown description*', completed = NO
Jules Colding
2009-01-08 07:45:21 UTC
Hi Joe,

On 08/01/2009, at 02.29, Joe Williamson wrote:
> Hi Jules,
> OK, so i now have the Server Type appearing in Evolution - thank you
> very much for your support!

No problem.

> Next problem though....

In all honesty, please wait just a few days. The new Brutus Server is
really solving a few fundamental problems with the old server. For
once, the problem below should be very much easier to get rid of using
the new server.

Brutus Server 2.0 does also not require any special permissions and
can be installed on anything as long as it is Windows 2K or later,
including XP and Vista.

2.0 It should be ready next week.


> When I attempt to log in through Evolution the brutus server gives
> the below log. Does BUG really mean bug?
> I'm pretty sure I've got all the permissions correct on the user/
> server as per the README.
> In Evolution it prompts for the users password and then gives the
> error 'Cannot get folder: Invalid operation on this store'.
> Thanks,
> Joe
> #116
> Severity : *** LEADING LOG ENTRY ***
> UTC time : Thu Jan 08 01:15:27 2009
> Mark : From a Log:: class instance
> Brutus server : exchange
> Windows domain : SQUIRE.CO.UK
> Domain controller : \\data.SQUIRE.CO.UK
> Brutus version : Brutus Server
> MAPI version : Microsoft Exchange 6.5
> Process ID : 1612
> File : ..\servant_impl\BrutusLogOnS_impl.cpp
> Line : 247
> Message : Log entry header
> #117
> Severity : INFORMATION
> UTC time : Thu Jan 08 01:15:27 2009
> Mark : From a Log:: class instance
> Brutus server : exchange
> Windows domain : SQUIRE.CO.UK
> Domain controller : \\data.SQUIRE.CO.UK
> Brutus version : Brutus Server
> MAPI version : Microsoft Exchange 6.5
> Process ID : 1612
> File : ..\servant_impl\BrutusLogOnS_impl.cpp
> Line : 248
> Following : #116
> Message : Entering BRUTUS_BrutusLogOn_i::GetVersion()
> #118
> Severity : INFORMATION
> UTC time : Thu Jan 08 01:15:27 2009
> Mark : From a Log:: class instance
> Brutus server : exchange
> Windows domain : SQUIRE.CO.UK
> Domain controller : \\data.SQUIRE.CO.UK
> Brutus version : Brutus Server
> MAPI version : Microsoft Exchange 6.5
> Process ID : 1612
> File : ..\servant_impl\BrutusLogOnS_impl.cpp
> Line : 266
> Following : #116
> Message : Leaving BRUTUS_BrutusLogOn_i::GetVersion()
> #119
> Severity : *** LEADING LOG ENTRY ***
> UTC time : Thu Jan 08 01:15:30 2009
> Mark : From a Log:: class instance
> Brutus server : exchange
> Windows domain : SQUIRE.CO.UK
> Domain controller : \\data.SQUIRE.CO.UK
> Brutus version : Brutus Server
> MAPI version : Microsoft Exchange 6.5
> Process ID : 1612
> File : ..\servant_impl\BrutusLogOnS_impl.cpp
> Line : 340
> Message : Log entry header
> #120
> Severity : INFORMATION
> UTC time : Thu Jan 08 01:15:30 2009
> Mark : From a Log:: class instance
> Brutus server : exchange
> Windows domain : SQUIRE.CO.UK
> Domain controller : \\data.SQUIRE.CO.UK
> Brutus version : Brutus Server
> MAPI version : Microsoft Exchange 6.5
> Process ID : 1612
> File : ..\servant_impl\BrutusLogOnS_impl.cpp
> Line : 354
> Following : #119
> Message : Validating LifeLine object reference
> #121
> Severity : INFORMATION
> UTC time : Thu Jan 08 01:15:30 2009
> Mark : From a Log:: class instance
> Brutus server : exchange
> Windows domain : SQUIRE.CO.UK
> Domain controller : \\data.SQUIRE.CO.UK
> Brutus version : Brutus Server
> MAPI version : Microsoft Exchange 6.5
> Process ID : 1612
> File : ..\servant_impl\BrutusLogOnS_impl.cpp
> Line : 355
> Following : #119
> Message : IOR:
> 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
> #122
> Severity : BUG
> UTC time : Thu Jan 08 01:15:31 2009
> Mark : From a Log:: class instance
> Brutus server : exchange
> Windows domain : SQUIRE.CO.UK
> Domain controller : \\data.SQUIRE.CO.UK
> Brutus version : Brutus Server
> MAPI version : Microsoft Exchange 6.5
> Process ID : 1612
> File : ..\servant_impl\BrutusLogOnS_impl.cpp
> Line : 363
> Following : #119
> Message : system exception, ID 'IDL:omg.org/CORBA/
> OMG minor code (2), described as '*unknown description*', completed
> = NO
> _______________________________________________
> brutus mailing list
> brutus-***@public.gmane.org
> http://www.42tools.com/mailman/listinfo/brutus
Joe Williamson
2009-01-08 09:23:12 UTC
Excellent, many thanks again.
